If you use Excel to generate your financial statements, chances are, you’re not getting the full functionality you need, or you’re spending extended periods of time running your reports. To help you improve your efficiency, we offer two proprietary software solutions that allow you to leverage Excel to create advanced, presentation-worthy reports for your nonprofit organization.

Excel for Financial Statements

Leveraging Excel with MIP Fund Accounting

If you rely on MIP Fund Accounting to keep up with your organization’s financial data, DrillPoint Reports is the solution you need. With a familiar and intuitive user interface, DrillPoint Reports integrates Excel with Fund Accounting so you don’t have to bounce from one program to another in order to obtain data. With real-time updates, you can quickly drill down information to find specific transactions, invoices, and other details as well as manipulate data to create budgets and “what-if” scenarios.

In addition to the daily data, the numerous pre-formatted templates make it quick and simple to create professional presentations of your financial reports, including clear graphs and detailed charts that give your team and board of directors clarity into your nonprofit’s financial health.

Designed to be a scalable solution, DrillPoint Reports allows you to run the reports you need, so even as your organization grows and diversifies, your reporting keeps up with your needs.

Leveraging Excel with Financial Edge NXT

If you use Blackbaud’s Financial Edge NXT for your nonprofit organization’s accounting software, Power Cloud Reporting was designed to integrate this platform into Excel. Like DrillPoint, this software streamlines and improves your reporting, saving you time while increasing the detail, accuracy, and depth of your reports.

Power Cloud Reports also has an Excel-style interface, allowing you to intuitively navigate through data, creating stylish, advanced reports you can present during meetings with your team and board. Whether you want to create separate sheets, report data for a specific fund, or provide a more comprehensive view of your organization, Power Cloud reporting makes this possible, and the “drill down” feature also gives you the freedom to dig into details and find specific data quickly.

You can also segment by individual departments, giving you unique insight into each individual department’s financial status, and address red flags as they come rather than seeing them too late. Customizable security settings also allow you to share data more quickly and easily among people in the organization.

Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Nonprofit Accounting Software Solutions Today

If you are ready to elevate your reports, elevate your financial statements, and provide your board of directors with attractive presentations, we can help. With DrillPoint Reports for MIP Fund Accounting and Power Cloud Reports for Financial Edge NXT, we make it possible to maximize the functionality of both Excel and your accounting software.

In addition to connecting you with software solutions for your organization, we also provide best-in-class training and ongoing support so you are completely familiar and comfortable with every aspect of each platform. To learn more about our proprietary software solutions, including how they can save you time and money, schedule a consultation with a member of our team at  (843) 971-9061 or fill out the form below to get started.

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