Chances are you don’t spend the entire workday at your desk. You may be out meeting donors, running fundraisers, experiencing time away from the office due to weather issues or spreading your nonprofits mission to the world which can make it difficult to access your budget, balance and reports when you need them most.

Now, Abila is making it easier to stay connected with MIP Mobile.

Why Being Mobile is Important

  • MIP Mobile allows nonprofits to access their information, run reports, and perform important tasks from a tablet or smartphone. You’ll always be connected, no matter where you are.
  • MIP Mobile can help nonprofits make quick and strategic decisions by being able to view and run reports on the go.
  • MIP Mobile helps you maximize your time by allowing you to check and answer email, export and email reports and manage users.

Speak to an MIP Fund Accounting Specialist Today!

Capital Business Solutions provides financial and fundraising solution software for nonprofit and private-sector organization throughout the United States. To learn more on how Abila MIP Fund Accounting software can benefit your organization, call Bob Schilling at 877-889-0629 or email You can also fill out our online contact form!