It is no secret that the best way to target donors is with personalized messages and a customized plan. But are you customizing your communications effectively? Consider several different ways to segment donors to create an outreach plan.

Segmenting donors for effective fundraising (1)

  • Size of Donations: How much is each donor giving annually? When asking for specific amounts, it’s important to know how much people have been willing to donate in the past. Asking for a number out of sight can be overkill, while you may limit yourself with an amount that is too small.
  • Preferred Method for Giving: While some donors prefer to give online, others may prefer to mail a check or give their information over the phone. Remember your donors’ past giving methods, and tailor your campaign to make it easiest for them to use the same option. For example, for those who used mail last donation, a direct mail campaign with a pre-addressed envelope will encourage a fast contribution.
  • Amount of Communication: Donors vary in the amount of communication they would like to hear from your organization. Some would like frequent updates and newsletters to stay informed of how their money is being put to good use. Others will find emails and updates a nuisance and cut your efforts out all together.

Finding the best way to segment your target market means increasing the effectiveness of campaigns while saving money on wasted efforts. Tracking and analyzing donor behavior is a key element of shaping your strategy.

Capital Business Solutions offers several types of software to assist nonprofits with fundraising. SerraFund Nonprofit Accounting Software was built to work with the NetSuite Fund Accounting cloud platform, allowing organizations to integrate their ERP and CRM in a single platform.

To learn more, contact Bob Schilling at 888.366.7527 x26 or or fill out our online form.